Sunday, June 30, 2013

More "Works in Progress"

 This one is another lady mechanika penciling by the amazing Joe Benitez. Colors by me. :)
This one is Penciled by the talented Brett Booth. Colors by me. :D

Friday, June 28, 2013

Lady Mechanika WIP #1

finished the flats for this today, I'm gonna go for a painted feel on this one. Hopefully it turns out okay. Pencils: Joe Benitez Colors: Me

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Superman cover WIP 2

Got superman and wonder woman done with. So far it's looking pretty cool. I'm really happy with how it's turning out.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Red hood Gang WIP #1

Finished the flats to this last night. I like to multitask on coloring pages because I'll often get tired of one piece and move on to the next. also one thing I've been trying to do is something called limiting your color pallet, what this is supposed to do is make the image less chaotic and more simple, yet good looking, it's kinda hard to do but I'm getting better at it, the characters that you see in front of you only have 4 different colors between all of them. 
this is a page from Batman comic #0. and was drawn by: Greg Cappulo Inked by: Jonathan Glapion and colored by: Me

Superman WIP #1

Yay! finished the flat work for this new one. Took about 4hrs. I'm really excited about finishing this one, because the pencils are so good. Pencils: Kenneth Rocafort Inks: Devgear. Colors: Me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Batman Sequential II Wip #1

Still practicing sequentials, they're not easy...  This is just the flats, I'm going to upload the finished version of this piece onto DA tonight. Hopefully people like it! I love Greg Capullo's work and whenever I go looking for sequentials to color I always end up doing one by Greg Capullo, mostly his Batman... well anyways, feel free to comment and critique!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Greg Capullo Sequential WIP #1

Finished the flatwork on this today. Greg Capullo did the pencils and Supernoob did the inks for this. This is actually my first ever sequential. Practicing coloring sequentials to warm up for the comic I'm going to be working on.

Jim Lee (Batman Vs Superman) Finished

All finished! coloring a piece hasn't taken that long in a while! but it's probably because it's a two pager, and sequentials take longer than pin-ups, but it was a lot of fun. I love coloring Supermans symbol, I've colored superman enough times that I've gotten pretty good at it, and when you're good at something you usually enjoy it more. I just love his colors and the way they complement each other, I personally like Batman a lot more than superman but coloring Batman is boring compared to coloring superman... but it was all fun! anyways, I hope you like it!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jim Lee (Batman Vs Superman) Wip #4

Okay here's what I have done so far (as far as Post processing goes): Superman, Batman's cape, The steel beaming in the back, the Lexcorp sign, The lights on the building in the back and the green smoke. Hope you like what I have so far, and if you have any critiques or comments please, feel free. Thanks for checking in!

Jim Lee (Batman Vs Superman) WIP #3

Yay, I'm done with the flat work! That took a long time! There are a lot more different colors to this piece then you think there would be, I haven't been counting but there's at least 60 or 70 different colors laid down in front of you. anyways As enjoyable as flatwork is, it's the worst part of coloring a piece, but at the same time very necessary. I think I've put about 4 hours into this piece so far and flat work usually takes less time than the post processing (Lighting and darkening). The nice thing about a non pin-up piece like this is that you don't have to sit there for a long time thinking about what you want to do with the background, It's got enough detail that you just color it like it's a normal picture of a city. Hope you like what I have so far!

Jim Lee (Batman Vs Superman) WIP #2

This is the second WIP of the (Jim Lee) Batman vs Superman piece I'm coloring, this piece is taking a long time and I don't imagine I will have it done anytime soon but with the comic I might be doing soon I'm trying to practice on the sequential like pieces. anyways I'll keep putting up WIPs as I get farther through the process. Hope you like what I have so far!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Jim Lee (Batman Vs Superman) WIP #1

Here's a "Work in progress" of a coloring I'm doing. There's no way I can make it look anything near to as cool as Alex Sinclair did. But I'm gonna sure as hell try.
 This a couple pieces I'll upload to deviantart later. the top one is Inked by my friend Jeff and penciled by the great Greg Capullo. I'm completely done with it. I like how it turned out. And got Jeff's approval. It's always great to hear what the other artists think about it.
This Batgirl piece (Penciled by Brett Booth) Is almost done. I have just the hair left to do. I really like Brett Booth's style. The Inker Ryan Winn is great as well.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cyblade II

Finished!! yay! I really wasn't sure what to do with the background on this piece but I got something that I was happy with in the end! this was a fun piece to color, I really like Kenneth Rocaforts work, The face on this piece is just awesome and his amazing pencils made it easier to make it look good when coloring it. in fact (and maybe it's just me but) the face looks kinda like Emma Watson... I don't know... anyways, enjoy! and feel free to comment or critique if you feel the need!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cyblade II Wip #1

This is a work in progress of one of the pieces I'm working on now. this is another Kenneth Rocafort penciling, I enjoyed color the last Cyblade (Kenneth Rocafort) piece so much that I decided to do this one... not sure how long it will take, I don't consider any piece (that I've colored) finished until I'm completely satisfied with it, which can make it take a while sometimes, it can also make it so that sometimes I don't actually end up finishing a piece at all. But I think I can make this piece look good.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Splash of Color

This coloring style was actually harder than I thought it would be. Although it didn't take that long. about an hour and a half per piece.
I really liked how the Poison Ivy turned out. It's definitely a lot different than anything I've ever done.
The superman piece was my first try at this coloring style and is not as artistic as the Poison Ivy one. The splashes are all wrong. mainly the face splash. It's too late now. oh, well....

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Black Cat

I finished this today. I liked how this turned out. The background took the longest. I always have an idea of how I want the background to look, but getting a good composition with it is a whole different scenario. Like with the placement of the moon and the spotlights. That's my one of biggest struggles, Compositional layout. Anyways, I'll try not to bore you with my problems. I love coloring comics. :) have fun.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cyblade Finished!

well here's the finished piece. this piece is doing really well on DA so I'm glad for that! It definitely doesn't take as long to color a piece as it used to, this one took about 5 hours. Hopefully I got the color scheme right, I used a color ref. to be honest I didn't appreciate this piece very much until I got a little ways through coloring it, but I really appreciate it now! Sometimes I don't know if I'm going to like a piece until I start coloring it... I'm sure why that is... anyways, enjoy!

Pencils: Kenneth Rocafort / Inks: Devgear / Colors: Myself

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cyblade Work In Progress #1

This is the flat work I just finished of the piece I'm working on now, it's a Cyblade cover, to tell you the truth I'm very unfamiliar with Cyblade or the comic series. but so far it's been a fun piece to color. A lot of people have colored this already but my hope is that my coloring style will make this piece unique. I'll have more up of this piece when I have it, and then I'll upload it to DA when it's finished. Hope you like what I have so far!

Pencils: Kenneth Rocafort / Inks: Devgear / Colors: Me

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Supergirl II

This is my most recent piece. This is a re-coloring of an old piece that I had colored when I first started. I'm a huge fan of Brett booth and his amazing pencils, I wish more of his stuff was inked so that I could color it. anyways I hope you like it! I was going to put a stock of stars in the background, but instead decided to paint a background myself, it took a long time but it was worth it! I had seen a comic page where the characters (Superman and wonder woman) were in the space and the sun was brightly shining behind them slightly to the top left of them, so I decided to do that in my picture.

Pencils: Brett Booth /  Inks: Kraig Przybylski / Colors: Myself

Feel free to comment and critique!

A sample page I did for a commission

This is a piece I was asked to do as a sample piece for a possible row of commissions. it was way out of my comfort zone as far as what I'm used to doing, so it's definitely not my best work.
Tell me what you think!

I don't know who penciled or inked this, otherwise I would credit them.

My first art blog post.

Yeah! I now have a blog. Hopefully I don't bore you. :) Just so you know it's me, I'll put up a few of my colorings I have done. I will be putting up WIP, news and other things that I would not post on Deviantart.
 This one of Superman and Wonder Woman is one of my newest and best. If I were to give out one piece to show off my skills this would be it.
Pencils: Jim Lee / Inks: Alejandro D. Sicat Jr. / Colors: Me
This is a sucker punch piece I colored in late may. This piece was not as popular as I was hoping it would be on DA, I put a lot of work into it and it and I thought that it made a great thumbnail, apparently not a whole lot of people would agree. oh well.
Pencils and Inks: Elias Chatzoudis / Colors: Myself
This Poison Ivy piece is still one of my favorites and is my most popular piece on Deviantart
Pencils: Jimbo Salgado / Inks: Vanessa / Colors: Me again